Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dildo Trading Post - A Little of This and That

The Dildo Trading Post has a little of this and a little of that. We say "I should have bought it when I saw it!" and it's a common phrase that we hear. Some things are one of a kind, some things are common, but to us everything is unique in its own way. So, we are a perfect place to go and find something for yourself or to gift.

Dildo Trading Post - Then and Now

Gone is the orange/brown and red carpet, gone is the navy blue vinyl wallpaper - and after many hours of cleaning, priming, painting and building there are customers now enjoying the uniqueness of our shop. Contrast this photo to the one posted earlier on the blog showing the wallpaper and the floor and look as it now. Quite the transformation.

Dildo Trading Post - Most Frequent Shopper Award

This award must be given to Marina Warren as she truly is the most frequent shopper at the Dildo Trading Post. Always with a smile and she had the very first purchase to be rung through the cash register. Here she is looking for her prize for being the first customer.

Dildo Trading Post - Todd Awaits New Customers

May 1, 2009 was the first official day for the Dildo Trading Post. Everything was in place and the idea that came to us after a few drinks in January was now a totally operational store. Complete with inventory - just need some customers.

Dildo Trading Post Gets Ready for Opening Day

Now It's Officially A Store - Dildo Trading Post

We chose the name Dildo Trading Post as we thought of the story regarding John Guy sailing Trinity Bay and trading with the Beothuk Indians and we thought this area (Dildo Island and area) may have been one of the very first trading posts in 1610. So, we thought the Dildo Trading Post would be an appropriate name.